To celebrate the end of our current Science topic ‘Healthy Me’, this week the Year 2 children made healthy pizzas. We made cross-curricular links with Design & Technology as the children were taught how to…
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Year 2: Caritas Day
Today, the Year 2 children learned about the term ‘human dignity’ and that everyone should be treated equally as we are made in God’s image. The children learned that water is vital for life. However,…
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Earlier this week, Year 2 had an amazing time exploring the Museum of London! The Great Fire of London section was perhaps the most interesting as the children will be learning more about this historic…
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Today in Science, Year 2 carried out an investigation on germs. The children were given plates with water which had black pepper sprinkled on top – this represented germs. They then took turns at dipping…
Read MoreYear 2: A Busy Busy Week!
Earlier in the week, we had our Sports Day at St. Aloysius Playing Fields. It was a fun-filled day… until the rain arrived. Nevertheless, we didn’t let it spoil the day. The children really enjoyed…
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This morning, Diamond class had a special prayer service to thank God for creating the world. We have been learning all about this in R.E. lessons. The children read scripture from the Book of Genesis…
Read MoreYear 2: Yellow Class Prayer Service
Yesterday, Yellow class held a special prayer service to thank God for His wonderful creation. We have been learning about this in our current R.E. topic – ‘Beginnings’. The children read the story of creation…
Read MoreYear 2: Autumnal Changes
This week, Year 2 had an outdoor workshop with our specialist environmental teacher, Miss Sophia. We talked about the season of Autumn when some trees start to change and also about animals that might soon…
Read MoreAnother busy week in Year 2!
This week, Year 2 have been very busy indeed! In RE, we wrote a prayer of remembrance for Queen Elizabeth II and also started our first topic ‘Beginnings’ by writing about the seven days of…
Read MoreWelcome back Year 2!
Wow! What an amazing first week back Year 2 have had! In RE, they made some artwork linked to our school mission statement – ‘We love, learn and grow with God at the centre!’ and…
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