This week in Year One we have been getting prepared for the start of Advent. We attended the beautiful Advent assembly where we learned about how and why we decorate our Christmas trees to remember…
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Year 1: Christmas drawings with J2e Tool Suite. Computing.
Year 1 students have started a new adventure with a platform called J2e. In their Computing lessons, they learn how to use J2e Infant Tools (JIT5) as a set of online educational tools specifically designed…
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We have been busy in Year One this week. We were fortunate that we have had two visitors in to talk to us. We learned all about being safe when we are on the internet….
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Year one have been working really hard in their maths lessons this week. We have been using our reasoning and problem-solving skills to find a missing part of an addition sum. Year One have been…
Read MoreYear One: Amazing Class Assemblies!
What an amazing week! Year One have worked so hard this week to prepare for our class assemblies. We have been practising everyday to make sure that we did our best and knew all our…
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We have had a very busy week in Year One practising for our upcoming Class Assembly. The children have worked really hard to create beautiful pieces of Art for our scenery and practising our lines…
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As we have reached the end of our Science topic, Year One have used all of their knowledge and learning to create Sensory Bottles. Year One had to create a Sensory Bottle that targeted…
Read MoreYear One: Marvellous Maths and Sensational Science!
Another fantastic week of fun-filled learning in Year One! Well done to Amber Class who have won the Maths trophy this week for most activity on Numbots! It is fantastic that so many children in…
Read MoreComputing in Year 1
Year 1 students are very excited to use our learning platform called Busy Things. BusyThings combines fun and laughter with the highest quality of curriculum-linked content. This week children will get their QR logins that…
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Wow! What a busy week in Year One! In our science lesson this week, we have been exploring our senses with the focus on our ears and listening. We went outside on a listening walk…
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