This week has been a big week in Year 3. On Wednesday both Emerald Class and Green Class ventured down to Sir John Soane’s Museum. Sir John Soane, an architect born in the 1700s, was…
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Year One: Maths and Science
Year one have been working really hard in their maths lessons this week. We have been using our reasoning and problem-solving skills to find a missing part of an addition sum. Year One have been…
Read MoreYear One: Amazing Class Assemblies!
What an amazing week! Year One have worked so hard this week to prepare for our class assemblies. We have been practising everyday to make sure that we did our best and knew all our…
Read MoreYear 3: Let there be light!
This week in Science, Emerald class and Green class conducted an experiment which measured the intensity of light. Our observations concluded that the intensity or brightness of light can be impacted in many ways. Factors…
Read MoreYear One: Sensory Bottles!
As we have reached the end of our Science topic, Year One have used all of their knowledge and learning to create Sensory Bottles. Year One had to create a Sensory Bottle that targeted…
Read MoreYear 5: Brilliant Week 7!
Another brilliant week in 5. For starters, Year 5 were really lucky to have some UCL Chemistry students come in and talk to them all about Air Pollution in their local area. Year 5 helped…
Read MoreYear One: Marvellous Maths and Sensational Science!
Another fantastic week of fun-filled learning in Year One! Well done to Amber Class who have won the Maths trophy this week for most activity on Numbots! It is fantastic that so many children in…
Read MoreNursery: Switched-On Scientists
Pearl class have been exploring sounds this week, as part of this term’s science topic: ‘Sound collectors’. We have been listening carefully to sounds all over our environment. We listened to the sounds of nature,…
Read MoreReception: A week full of visitors
Reception has had a very busy week of lots of visitors who have come to tell the children all about their jobs and how they help us. Firstly we welcomed the Kentish Town Fire Brigade…
Read MoreYear One: Busy, Busy, Busy!
Wow! What a busy week in Year One! In our science lesson this week, we have been exploring our senses with the focus on our ears and listening. We went outside on a listening walk…
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