We had a fabulous day in Reception celebrating maths through art for Maths Day today. It was great to see the children coming to school in such creative costumes, excited about maths. We began the…
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We’re going on a minibeast hunt!
Today we went on a trip to Gillespie Ecology Centre. We started our journey catching the 271 bus to Holloway station. From there we made the walk through the Emirates stadium to the Ecology Centre….
Read MoreReception End of Year Assemblies!
Reception have been working hard all term towards their end of year assembly to say ‘goodbye’ to reception and ‘hello’ to year 1! Their dedication and effort paid off as they wowed parents with a ‘rock…
Read MoreMinibeast Mayhem!
This week in Reception we have been enthusiastically learning all about minibeasts. Children have used their phonic knowledge to write all about minibeasts and their fine motor skills to create their very own minibeasts with playdough….
Read MoreUgly Bug Ball
What a fabulous time we had at the Ugly Bug Ball today! Reception and Nursery were transformed into all sorts of mini beast creatures. The children participated in many different activities as they moved from class…
Read MoreKafunjo Project
Last week, Marlow’s mum came to tell Reception all about the Kafunjo Project in Uganda as part of our focus on caritas in religion. We heard about Bruno who set up a school for orphans…
Read MoreThank you for our letters!
Today we read the letters our mums and dads sent us through the post. The children were very excited to receive their very own letters. There were lots of big smiles and excited chatter as…
Read MoreBiscuits For Sale!
This week we have been very busy baking biscuits to sell and raise money for the Make your Money Grow project. The children worked in groups in the cookery room following the recipe to mix…
Read MoreJourney to the post box!
This week we wrote letters to our mums and dads about our key text The Jolly Postman. We put stamps on the envelopes and addresses so that the postman would know where to deliver them….
Read MoreSeeing Double!
This term as we get ready to enter Year 1 , the Reception children have got off to a flying start learning new challenging and exciting maths concepts including measuring time and doubling . Following on from…
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