The children ended their ‘Superhero’ theme with a week talking about real superheroes and people who help us. We have been lucky to have had visits last week from family members who have ‘superpowers’: an…
Read MorePSHE
A Valuable Discovery: Safer Internet Day with Three Discovery
Today, we were fortunate to have Three Discovery deliver an incredibly valuable assembly to our students in honor of Safer Internet Day. Their presentation focused on this year’s theme, “Too Good to Be True,” helping…
Read MoreOpen Classroom Workshops and A Fantastic Online Safety Session with Katy Potts
We recently had a fantastic session on Online Safety with our parents, delivered by specialist Katy Potts. It was an informative and engaging event, with many parents joining their children for lessons led by their…
Read MoreYear 6: A very special week
This very special week began with an incredibly important workshop delivered by Tim from Growing Against Violence. In preparation for secondary school, and in turn, the independence that comes along with it, Tim spoke to…
Read MoreNursery’s Superhero Missions
Nursery are super-excited about their theme: ‘Superheroes’! We made up our own superhero stories on the small world table, and took part in Superhero-themed fine motor activities. We learnt superhero number songs and superhero dances….
Read MoreCelebrating a Fantastic Term!
It’s been an amazing term! Our students have accomplished a fantastic variety of achievements, with even more to come next year! We celebrated these successes at today’s assembly, where Mr Grant highlighted our sporting triumphs,…
Read MoreEmbracing Quality Family Time with Good Tech This Christmas
With Christmas break approaching, we have plenty of free time to cherish with our families. It’s a great opportunity for both togetherness and a bit of personal space. As our children enjoy their devices, whether…
Read MoreNursery’s Advent Arrivals
This week Nursery learnt that the new purple cloth on our R.E altars means it is now the beginning of Advent. The children received a special prayer bag to take home, given to them by…
Read MoreReception: Cakes!!!
This week Reception have been reading the book ‘Cake’ by Sue Hendra. They spent some time drawing and describing their dream cake before decorating cupcakes using icing, sprinkles and gel icing. We had lots of…
Read MoreYear 2: Friendship Week
This week in Year 2, we have been engaging in deep discussions about what it means to be a friend. Our conversations have led us to identify numerous qualities that characterise a good friend, such…
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