We recently had a fantastic session on Online Safety with our parents, delivered by specialist Katy Potts. It was an informative and engaging event, with many parents joining their children for lessons led by their…
Read MoreParents
Year 3: Surprise Guests!
The children were elated to welcome some of their adults from home into their classrooms this week! It was wonderful for our extended St Joseph’s community to join us for one of our Religion lessons….
Read MorePre-Nursery- A Very Good Time
This week in Pre-Nursery the children have had lots of fun playing with their friends and exploring the different activities and equipment set out. We have had new friends join us who have been settling…
Read MoreNursery’s Lunar New Year
This week we have been celebrating Lunar New Year. We started by reading our key text: ‘Maisy’s Chinese New Year’. We looked at a range of beautiful clothes, artefacts and decorations – and we learnt…
Read MoreExciting News: Make It Happen is Back!
Do you remember the Make It Happen project from last year? The incredibly talented Ellie from Tanzanite class scooped the final prize—a shiny new tablet! Her winning game was coded and is now available online…
Read MorePre-Nursery- Welcome Back!
Welcome back everyone. We hope the Christmas break was a restful one. This week in Pre-Nursery we have enjoyed welcoming the children back and meeting new friends in both classes. The children have been exploring…
Read MoreCelebrating a Fantastic Term!
It’s been an amazing term! Our students have accomplished a fantastic variety of achievements, with even more to come next year! We celebrated these successes at today’s assembly, where Mr Grant highlighted our sporting triumphs,…
Read MorePre-Nursery-A fun start to Advent!
This week in Pre-Nursery we have had lots of fun. We began the week with the children spotting something strange in our classes sitting on the screen. As they got closer, we realised we had…
Read MoreWho are the PFA?
Watch our video here The Parent & Friends Association (PFA) plays an important part in our school, organising events that our children can take part in, for example the Christmas and Summer Fairs, Christmas Shops,…
Read MoreReception: Doctors and Nurses
This week we have been learning all about Doctors and Nurses. We were so lucky to have a visit from the school Nurse who told us all about her job and how she can help…
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