We have had such a successful week in Year 3 and could not be prouder of everything our wonderful children have achieved. This morning, Year 3 delivered the most awe-inspiring, professional and informative production detailing…
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Nursery: Shopping, Planting and African Surprises
Nursery arrived on Monday to find a basket of exotic-looking fruit. They discovered that the fruit came from Africa, and belonged to Handa from our story, ‘Handa’s Surprise’. We set about investigating the fruit by…
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In Music this week, Year 2 continued their musical journey into the world of Samba. Samba is a lively and energetic style of music from Brazil, known for its rhythms and vibrant beats. It is…
Read MoreNursery’s Superhero Missions
Nursery are super-excited about their theme: ‘Superheroes’! We made up our own superhero stories on the small world table, and took part in Superhero-themed fine motor activities. We learnt superhero number songs and superhero dances….
Read MoreCelebrating a Fantastic Term!
It’s been an amazing term! Our students have accomplished a fantastic variety of achievements, with even more to come next year! We celebrated these successes at today’s assembly, where Mr Grant highlighted our sporting triumphs,…
Read MoreExtended School News.
Our children have had amazing opportunities this term taking part in our very diverse Enrichment program that was on offer for the Autumn term. They ranged from Karate, Chess club, Street Dance, Drama and Ballet…
Read MoreNursery’s First Traditional Tale
This week Nursery engaged wonderfully with their first traditional tale of the year: ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’, We practised retelling it, and used blocks and instruments to accompany the different parts of the…
Read MoreYear 3: Musical Maestros
This week in music, Year 3 started their journey towards becoming glockenspiel maestros. They have been learning how to read sheet music, and put this knowledge to the test when they performed their first piece…
Read MoreNursery’s First Theme
Welcome to Week 2! We’ve had another busy week in Pearl and White Class, where we introduced our theme for this half term, ‘Me and My Family’. This week the children have spent some time…
Read MoreGet Busy with Busy Things this Summer!
BusyThings is offering free resources this summer for ALL new starters. BusyThings is offering your new starters FREE access to 100s of fun learning activities this summer to help you give your new intake the…
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