This week Pearl Class have been talking about pets. We learnt about what is involved in looking after a pet, and some of us shared how we do this with our own pets at home….
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Year 2: Welcome Back!
Happy New Year to everyone! It’s been a busy first week back for Year 2. The pupils continued their learning about shapes in Maths by moving onto looking at 3D shapes and their properties. The…
Read MoreNursery Makes a Cake
The children have continued their learning about birthdays this week. We have been making birthday cakes, cards and hats. We learnt about birthdays in different countries and had a go at singing ‘Happy Birthday’ in…
Read MoreExploring the Woodlands
This week, Reception has spent lots of time exploring our woodland walk. We started the week off by sharing our focus text in the Treehouse. The children listened to the story of the Gruffalo and…
Read MoreYear One: Maths and Science
Year one have been working really hard in their maths lessons this week. We have been using our reasoning and problem-solving skills to find a missing part of an addition sum. Year One have been…
Read MoreYear 2: Marvellous Mathematicians!
This week in Maths, Year 2 continued their topic – Addition and Subtraction. The children enjoyed solving some problems using concrete objects such as dienes and counters. They then applied their increasing knowledge of mental…
Read MoreSuccessful Sapphire!
What a fantastic start to the week for Year 4 Sapphire Class! We have been working extremely hard in school and at home, especially on Time Table Rock Stars (TTRS)! Mr Forbes kindly presented us…
Read MoreAutumn Celebrations in Nursery
Nursery did a wonderful job of settling back into class after half term, and have already started talking about our new theme: ‘Let’s Celebrate!’ Some of us put on some party clothes from our…
Read MoreYear 2: Addition and Subtraction
In Mathematics this week, the Year 2 children explored addition and subtraction using dienes . They used the apparatus to build numbers and add them together. Pupils were also able to build larger numbers and…
Read MoreYear 3’s week in Music and Maths!!
Here are the Year 3’s during their music lessons with Miss Marshall. Mr Woodhouse and Miss Duffy have been impressed with the attitude and the behaviour of the Year 3s. We are surrounded by future…
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