This week, we watched Elena from Orange Class and Victoria from Amber Class represent Year 1 in the Young Speakers Challenge. The girls performed their speeches on ‘Care for Creation’ beautifully and we are super…
Read MoreMaths
Year 5 Maths Challenge
Recently, four of our Year 5 pupils had the opportunity to compete in Christ Hospital’s Maths Challenge. Every year Christ’s Hospital hosts a Maths Challenge at the Guildhall in London for 30-35 London Primary Schools….
Read MoreReception: amazing writers!
This week in Reception, we’ve been incredibly busy! Our focus has been on the text Look Up!, which sparked our imaginations as we thought about what it would be like to look at the sky through…
Read MoreYear 1: Sharing Good News!
This week in Year 1, we have been busy practising for our first Liturgy of the Words which will be taking place on Monday at 9.15am for Orange Class and Tuesday at 9.15am for Amber…
Read MoreNursery’s Superhero Missions
Nursery are super-excited about their theme: ‘Superheroes’! We made up our own superhero stories on the small world table, and took part in Superhero-themed fine motor activities. We learnt superhero number songs and superhero dances….
Read MoreCelebrating a Fantastic Term!
It’s been an amazing term! Our students have accomplished a fantastic variety of achievements, with even more to come next year! We celebrated these successes at today’s assembly, where Mr Grant highlighted our sporting triumphs,…
Read MoreYear 1: Patterns, Angels and Crafts!
This week, we are coming towards the end of our Geometry topic in maths. We explored different patterns with a range of resources, focusing on different shapes, sizes and colours to complete a pattern. We…
Read MoreYear 1: Shapes and Santa!
For our Maths lessons this week, we have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We have looked into the differences and similarities, the names of different shapes and we have been sorting the shapes into…
Read MoreNursery’s Advent Arrivals
This week Nursery learnt that the new purple cloth on our R.E altars means it is now the beginning of Advent. The children received a special prayer bag to take home, given to them by…
Read MoreNursery: Artists Old and New
Nursery have enjoyed continuing their discoveries about dinosaurs. Our key text this week was ‘Dinosaurs love underpants’ . The dinosaurs in the story were not so good at sharing, so we talked about…
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