A busy week to end this half term in Year 4! We began our week with a harmonious Prayer Service, the children read beautiful and thought-provoking prayers. The Prayer Service focused on the theme of…
Read MoreGeography
Year 2: Food Journeys
This half-term in Geography, Year 2 have been learning about ‘Food Journeys’. At home, they have been very busy making projects to tell the story of a food from farm all the way to shops…
Read MoreNursery’s Trip to Golders Hill Park Zoo
Pearl Class enjoyed their second trip of the school year yesterday, and this time we were excited to get to travel on a bus! We did an amazing job of listening to our adults on…
Read MoreYear 4: Volcanoes and Earthquakes!
This week in Year 4, we have discovered the reasons why volcanoes and earthquakes occur. We know that volcanoes often form at plate boundaries where magma can reach the surface, and earthquakes can happen due…
Read MoreYear 5: Out of This World Geography Skills!
This week, Year 5 have been learning all about the differences between physical and human features in our Geography lessons. Within the lesson, they looked up the different countries in Great Britain and researched many…
Read MoreYear 4: Confident Presenting!
This week in Year 4 we have been conducting extensive research and then presented our findings in Geography. We have been focusing on some of the major rivers in the UK such as: the River…
Read MoreYear 4: Thames Water & Mudlarking Learning!
This week in Year 4, we had a very informative workshop in connection to our Geography topic: Rivers and the Water Cycle. We looked at how the river environment has changed over time and how…
Read MoreYear 4: Back to the Future & Rivers!
Back to the Future Trip On Thursday the 9th of November, Year 4 was lucky enough to visit the Adelphi Theatre to see the famous ‘Back to the Future’ musical. The children were amazed by…
Read MoreThis week in Year 3!!
During the mid-term break, Green Class and Emerald Class designed some wonderful displays for our upcoming topic in Geography, Weather and Climate. These wonderful creations show how much knowledge the Year 3s already have about…
Read MoreYear 2: Our Wonderful World!
This half-term in Geography, Year 2 have been learning about ‘Our Wonderful World’. The children also created some wonderful projects at home and brought their work into school to go on display. We had fact…
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