Well done to Citrine Class for a wonderful assembly. The children shared all that they have learnt about the seven continents and foods from around the world. We hope you enjoy!
Read MoreGeography
Reception: All around the world we go!
We’ve had an incredible first week back, diving into our exciting new theme, “All Around the World”. In literacy, we’ve been exploring the book My Granny Went to Market. Just like Granny, we created our very…
Read MoreYear 2: Class Assemblies
This week has been truly amazing in Year 2! We have had two excellent performances from Yellow Class and Diamond Class during their assemblies. Well done to all the children for learning your lines so…
Read MoreYear 2: Thinking about God’s creatures
In English, Year 2 used their imaginations to create character descriptions of mythical animals, including unicorns, ninja cats and vampire dolphins! By describing the animal’s unique features and homes, they have gained a deeper appreciation…
Read MoreNursery’s Lunar New Year
This week we have been celebrating Lunar New Year. We started by reading our key text: ‘Maisy’s Chinese New Year’. We looked at a range of beautiful clothes, artefacts and decorations – and we learnt…
Read MoreYear 2: Planting and Food Journeys
This week has been fantastic in Year 2! In Science, the children have been learning about what a plant needs to survive and grow. They have started an exciting experiment where they have planted four…
Read MoreYear 1: Shapes and Santa!
For our Maths lessons this week, we have been exploring 2D and 3D shapes. We have looked into the differences and similarities, the names of different shapes and we have been sorting the shapes into…
Read MoreGet Busy with Busy Things this Summer!
BusyThings is offering free resources this summer for ALL new starters. BusyThings is offering your new starters FREE access to 100s of fun learning activities this summer to help you give your new intake the…
Read MoreNursery: end of year fun
It is the end of term and Pearl class have been celebrating all the learning they have been doing this year. We have enjoyed looking back in our Special Books to recall all the topics…
Read MoreYear 5: FairTrade
This week, Year 5 have been working on their oracy skills in their Geography lesson, creating persuasive speeches to try and convince people to try and buy more Fairtrade products. Year 5 were exceedingly passionate…
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