Official Superheroes have succesfully completed Superhero Training. spoke about different emotions and why we might be feeling like this. The children then completed an obstacle course where they weaved, jumped, balanced, hopped and skipped! Wow…
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Pre-Nursery- Pilgrims of Hope
This week in Pre-Nursery we have been super busy learning and having fun. The children have spent lots of time exploring ice, learning about where Polar bears live and making their own polar bears using…
Read MoreReception: Pilgrims of Hope
The launch of the Jubilee Year has been an incredibly exciting time for Reception! We’ve been busy, along with the rest of the school, decorating our footprints and writing our hopes for the Jubilee Year…
Read MoreReception: amazing writers!
This week in Reception, we’ve been incredibly busy! Our focus has been on the text Look Up!, which sparked our imaginations as we thought about what it would be like to look at the sky through…
Read MorePre-Nursery- Bears Everywhere!
This week the children have been making their own bear faces using paper plates and a range of creative resources to create the facial features. We have been looking at lots of different bear related…
Read MoreNursery’s Superhero Missions
Nursery are super-excited about their theme: ‘Superheroes’! We made up our own superhero stories on the small world table, and took part in Superhero-themed fine motor activities. We learnt superhero number songs and superhero dances….
Read MoreReception: Blast off!
Reception has had an exciting start to the new term! This half term, our topic is Exploring Space, and we kicked it off with a surprise on Monday – when we returned from lunch, we…
Read MorePre-Nursery- Welcome Back!
Welcome back everyone. We hope the Christmas break was a restful one. This week in Pre-Nursery we have enjoyed welcoming the children back and meeting new friends in both classes. The children have been exploring…
Read MoreNursery: Superheroes!
Welcome back! This week we spent some time resettling the children and discussing how we use the different areas of our classroom and outdoor space. We also introduced our new theme: Superheroes! The children have…
Read MoreReception’s Trip to the Postal Museum
Reception have had such an exciting build up to Christmas! Last week we were lucky enough to go and visit the Postal Museum where we learnt lots of amazing facts about the history of the…
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