What an amazing time had by all at our Mother’s and Other’s afternoon! Our topic for Caritas this half term was ‘ Community and Participation’. We discussed with the children how to participate…
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Pre-Nursery-Wow! What an Action Packed Week!
Wow! We have been super busy this week in Pre-Nursery. We began the week introducing our new colour ‘orange.’ The children have explored orange playdough and water. They also created their own fish using their…
Read MorePre-Nursery-Green Means Go!
This week we have been busy exploring the colour ‘Green’ through all learning areas. The children have been creating their own caterpillars using strips of paper to create a green paper chain. The children then…
Read MoreNursery: Shopping, Planting and African Surprises
Nursery arrived on Monday to find a basket of exotic-looking fruit. They discovered that the fruit came from Africa, and belonged to Handa from our story, ‘Handa’s Surprise’. We set about investigating the fruit by…
Read MoreReception: A Week Full of Adventure!
This week, Reception have been incredibly active! We’ve been mastering our balance skills with the help of Bikeability, and what an exciting experience it has been. Every day, we’ve had the chance to head outside, explore…
Read MorePre-Nursery-Proud Purple
This week in Pre-Nursery we have been learning all about the colour purple. The children enjoyed exploring purple water, purple playdough and creating purple octopuses. The children have also explored how different colours mixed together…
Read MoreReception: World Bok Day
Reception had an amazing time celebrating World Book Day! A special highlight of the day was a visit from the Year 4 children, who joined us to read stories. It was an amazing experience to have…
Read MorePre-Nursery-Wow! What a busy week
This week in Pre-Nursery we have been super busy learning. We started the week being introduced to the new colour of the week which was ‘Red’ the children had fun creating a red apple using…
Read MoreNursery: Lent and World Book Day
Nursery marked the beginning of Lent in a number of ways. During our R.E lesson we made purple leaves and collages; and created with purple playdough and paint. We then took part in some exciting…
Read MoreReception: All around the world we go!
We’ve had an incredible first week back, diving into our exciting new theme, “All Around the World”. In literacy, we’ve been exploring the book My Granny Went to Market. Just like Granny, we created our very…
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