That’s what are students think about staying safe online. How To Be Safe Online How to communicate online safely When we are speaking online you should always think about what you’re going to do and…
Read MoreComputing
Technology at St Joseph’s School
St Joseph’s School has become a Centre of Excellence for Robotics, and we are extremely proud of all the physical coding lessons and clubs that are taking place in our school. Please take a moment…
Read MoreMeet Picoh – our new robots at St Josephs!
We are delighted to share some excellent news: our school has been offered new robots called Picoh. We will be able to utilise them over the next three months, providing additional opportunities for our students…
Read MoreYear 2: Liturgy of the Word and Staying Healthy!
We have had another exciting fun-filled week in Year 2! On Monday, Citrine Class had their Liturgy of the Word supported by Father George. The children worked so hard to learn their lines and…
Read MoreYear 3: Three Discovery
This week we were lucky enough to be visited by the people from the company Three, delivering Three Discovery Workshops, enriching the children’s learning in Computing and Science. Inspired by their learning about how fossils…
Read MoreYear 1: Hula Hoops for Maths and Three Discovery
It’s been a busy yet thrilling week in Year 1! We’ve been exploring the book ‘Major Glad, Major Dizzy’ and engaging in role play to grasp the key elements of the story. This has set…
Read MoreYear 2: Liturgy of the Word
Another busy week for Year 2! On Monday, Yellow Class had their Liturgy of the Word, closely followed by Diamond Class who had theirs on Tuesday supported by Father George. The children worked so hard…
Read MoreReception: Time to start phonics!
This week the Reception children have been amazing! They have been very focused and have worked really hard during our first phonics lessons of the year! We have been so impressed with their letter formation…
Read MoreYear 3: A Week That ‘Rocked’
This week the children have been diving into their learning all about rocks, soil and fossils. We have been trying to master the new challenging vocabulary ‘igneous’, ‘sedimentary’, and ‘metamorphic’. The children did a great…
Read MoreGet Busy with Busy Things this Summer!
BusyThings is offering free resources this summer for ALL new starters. BusyThings is offering your new starters FREE access to 100s of fun learning activities this summer to help you give your new intake the…
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