Nursery arrived on Monday to find a basket of exotic-looking fruit. They discovered that the fruit came from Africa, and belonged to Handa from our story, ‘Handa’s Surprise’. We set about investigating the fruit by…
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Pre-Nursery-Proud Purple
This week in Pre-Nursery we have been learning all about the colour purple. The children enjoyed exploring purple water, purple playdough and creating purple octopuses. The children have also explored how different colours mixed together…
Read MoreYear 2: Ash Wednesday and World Book Day
Year 2 had an amazing week this week! On Wednesday, as a school, we all went to St Joseph’s Church to celebrate Ash Wednesday. The atmosphere was wonderful, and everyone felt a great sense of…
Read MoreNursery: Lent and World Book Day
Nursery marked the beginning of Lent in a number of ways. During our R.E lesson we made purple leaves and collages; and created with purple playdough and paint. We then took part in some exciting…
Read MoreYear 1: A Creative Week!
This week, in PE one of our new topics this term is: Target Games. We began by learning about the underarm throw and the technique required to be successful. We worked on this independently and…
Read MoreNursery: Real Superheroes!
The children ended their ‘Superhero’ theme with a week talking about real superheroes and people who help us. We have been lucky to have had visits last week from family members who have ‘superpowers’: an…
Read MoreReception: Wonder Dome
This week Reception had a visit from the amazing Wonder Dome. They sat inside a giant dome and watched an immersive video about space, learning so many facts about space and our solar system. At…
Read MoreNursery’s Lunar New Year
This week we have been celebrating Lunar New Year. We started by reading our key text: ‘Maisy’s Chinese New Year’. We looked at a range of beautiful clothes, artefacts and decorations – and we learnt…
Read MoreNursery’s Superhero Missions
Nursery are super-excited about their theme: ‘Superheroes’! We made up our own superhero stories on the small world table, and took part in Superhero-themed fine motor activities. We learnt superhero number songs and superhero dances….
Read MoreExciting News: Make It Happen is Back!
Do you remember the Make It Happen project from last year? The incredibly talented Ellie from Tanzanite class scooped the final prize—a shiny new tablet! Her winning game was coded and is now available online…
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