This week in Year 2 we continued with our RE learning about Advent. We discussed about how we prepare for different events. We were excited to hear about how Mrs Lynch is preparing for the birth of her grandchild. We also reflected upon times when we have prepared for a special event in our lives.
Yellow Class completed an environmental workshop with Ms Ioannou, our Environmental Teacher. They planted flower bulbs in the woodland area and discussed what a bulb needs to help it grow into a flower. In a follow up environmental lesson in the Spring Term, Yellow Class will be observing what changes have occurred over this period of time.
It has also been a very exciting week in Year 2 as we have been working hard to learn all of the songs and dances for our Christmas Nativity. We look forward to continuing with these preparations next week and welcoming you to the Nativity on Thursday 13th December at 9:30 am.