It was another outstanding week of home learning to conclude a remarkably successful half term. All credit must go to our wonderful Year 4 children for all of their hard work and positive attitudes towards their learning.
This week saw the conclusion of ‘Poetry’ in Writing lessons and ‘multiplication and division’ in Maths. We continued to read our class reader ‘Varjak Paw’ in Reading lessons, still focusing on the reading skills in comprehending the text.
On Wednesday, the children transformed into scientists to investigate the processes of heating, freezing, boiling and evaporation using water and a range of household materials. Impressively, the children were able to make detailed conclusions from the investigations, drawing on prior learning.
Following on from their Science lesson, Year 4 took a moment to remember the National Hero Sir Captain Tom Moore, who sadly passed away in recent days. The children researched Sir Tom’s life and presented their findings in a myriad of different ways. Below you will find just two of a number of amazing pieces of work that the children produced!
Finally, continuing with our Geography topic ‘Foods from around the World’, the children researched where different foods that are eaten in the UK are imported from.
A special mention goes to Year 4’s Stars of the Week:
Sapphire – Bendeguz and Jessica
Blue Class – Dominic and Julliette
Have a great half term and stay safe.