Wow! Another outstanding week in Year 4 this week.
Monday allowed the children to have an insight into secondary school life through lessons in: Science, Art & Design. PE and Design Technology. The children left with a buzz of excitement and we look forward to returning, this time to the playing fields, on Wednesday for a taster session in all things sport!
We are so proud of both classes, as they have completed their Multiplication Tables Check after a lot of hard work! Thank you to all carers and parents who have helped the children prepare for their check. The hard work paid off! We celebrated this afternoon with a hot-chocolate and popcorn party whilst relaxing in our cosy PJs!
It’s been a week of watching the clock as both classes have began to revise the importance of reading and telling the time, please take any opportunities to encourage the children to help you tell you the time at home.
Our attention is still focused heavily on the Euros and the children have been busy writing match reports based on England’s performance in the tournament.
Finally a big congratulations to our Stars of the Week;
Blue Class: Sara & Ali
Sapphire Class: Riley & Jessica
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss. Doherty and Mr. Prescott