What a wonderful first evening we had! We sat around the campfire with hot chocolate, and Mr Charles taught everybody the bungalow song. Then we went on a sunset walk, where we met some bats and some of the children even braved it through a WW2 bunker in the dark!
An early start this morning with some very excitable children! After breakfast we got to pet our favourite animals and even feed the goats breakfast.
This morning blue class worked together as a team to complete a challenging low ropes course and climbing wall competition. We then headed into the forest for some fun, team building games.
During the morning sapphire class learnt how to be modern day Robin Hood’s on the archery field. They also learnt how to weave their own bracelets, I’m sure they will teach you when they arrive home.
This afternoon everybody really enjoyed some fun in the sunshine. Sapphire went to the ropes and team building whilst blue had the chance to shoot some arrows.
We are all looking forward to our disco tonight!
See you tomorrow!
P.s we will upload lots of pictures when the wifi allows!